Gain credits, improve your GPA, obtain university offers; are you ready?
Even with the complication of the Covid situation, the demand for international studies has not diminished. The competition for enrolling in international universities grows fiercely. Our student acceptance rates to the University of Toronto and U.B.C. are 100%, and 90% for engineering and mathematics at the University of Alberta; 95% for Simon Fraser University. Our acceptance rate for prestigious schools in the U.K. and other parts of the world is 95%.
How do you fare in the face of such fierce competition? How would you get accepted into prestigious schools and receive their offers? G.P.A. is a widely used standard to judge, and students may need to improve their G.P.A.
Our school now has summer courses to help students increase their G.P.A. and improve their knowledge. You would not want to miss such opportunities.
Advantages of JA summer school:
1. Students can re-take courses approved by the B.C. Ministry of Education and improve their G.P.A.
2. Prerequisite credited courses will be offered and recorded on student transcripts.
3. Our instructors are highly recommended qualified teachers.
With ever-rising competition in the current situation, we are pleased to introduce our school’s selection of summer courses. There are eight courses across five weeks, and students can select up to two courses. The deadline for registration is June 30th.
Specific Course Arrangement

Although there are many challenges in improving yourself, our proven results are well worth the effort. If you have any questions about summer credited courses, please email us ( Please send the application form to to register for your summer course. We will assist you in tailoring summer learning plans. We will do our best to address your concerns, and we value the individualism of each student, aiming to increase and improve their well-being.
Summer Course Application Form