Dear Community Students,
Greetings! As we navigate through the academic year, one of the significant milestones many of you will be approaching is the SAT exam. This standardized test plays a pivotal role in college admissions, and we want to ensure that each of you is well-prepared and informed.
Spring 2024 SAT Exam Registration Details:
Registration Date: I am excited to inform you that registration for the Spring 2024 SAT exam is opening tomorrow OCT 17, 2023 (Might be 8 AM ET).
Limited Seating: Our school is privileged to serve as a testing center. However, seating capacity is inherently limited. With this in mind, it's of utmost importance to ensure that you register as soon as possible.
How to Register: For a smooth and hassle-free registration process, please visit the College Board website. Make sure to have all necessary documents and details ready.
Our School's Test Center Code: To make the registration process more convenient, utilize our school's unique test center code: 94437. This will direct you straight to our venue, saving you the time and effort of scrolling through a lengthy list of test centers.
Preparation Resources: While this notification primarily serves as a registration reminder, we also urge each student to take advantage of the plethora of SAT prep resources available both in our school library and online. The earlier you start, the better equipped you'll be!
In closing, preparation and punctuality are the cornerstones of success for standardized tests. I urge each of you to act promptly and begin your journey towards acing the SAT. We believe in each of you and are here to support you every step of the way.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this crucial matter. Wishing you all continued success and determination.